I reoriented myself by following a training course to become a life coach (Elan Vital Institute of the BAO) after having worked for 20 years as a management assistant.
As a woman and mother of two, the world of pregnancy and perinatality has always attracted me; I continued my journey by following the formation of doula (AFDB).
Here is what I can bring you: have a good preparation for childbirth, have someone you trust; not only to accompany the mother, the dad and also to listen to children’s questions in order to better welcome the birth of a little being, ready to shake up your life.
Being with you after the birth is also important, because life is not always easy with a baby, as a result, intense emotions, disorganized daily life (and that’s normal), the reappropriation of your body without forgetting the new dynamics in your relationship.
I am delighted to do a job that gives me more energy and allows me to give to the woman, the mother, the man, the father who an emotional and informational support before, during and after birth.
I am, moreover, co-founder of the non-profit organization « Les Câlineurs de Bébés », created a short time ago in Belgium. This association of volunteers aims to cuddle and offer moments of tenderness to toddlers, hospital.
Numerous studies prove that a baby who is cared for very early with cuddles, soft words, kindness and attention will evolve better and safer.
I also continue to train:
– October 2018 – June 2019 : 1st year – training « Communication by Touch » (haptonomy)
– November 2018 – March 2019 : training method Succès Infini TM (trainee)
– February 2019 – June 2019 : training – organizer « ateliers philo » for children en teenagers (Fondation SEVE).
I also want to share with you my passion for photography and will be happy to make some portraits of you and your loved ones.
I speak fluently French, Dutch and English.